Adam Howard

PPC Executive

Adam Howard - PPC Executive

About Adam Howard

When did you start working at Sleeping Giant Media?

March 22

What does your day job entail?

The creation, management and optimisation of paid search campaigns across Google and Microsoft Ads.

What areas of digital marketing do you specialise in?

Paid Search

Why Sleeping Giant Media?

Sleeping Giant Media has been a notable agency in Folkestone for over 10 years, since first appearing on my radar the growth has been massively inspiring. The innovation which takes place across different channels is incredible to see and the people make it a fun and enjoyable place to work!

What’s your favourite part of working at Sleeping Giant Media?

The range of people from different backgrounds working together so effectively.

What’s one of your favourite campaigns or accounts you’ve worked on?

I’ve really enjoyed working on campaigns for Kent Wildlife Trust, it’s been really interesting to find out more about the nature around Kent and how KWT helps manage it.

What about digital inspires you the most?

Digital marketing is always evolving, it’s great being able to try innovative new methods for clients and exceeding expectations.

What’s your favourite marketing platform and why?

Google Ads, it really enabled businesses to reach huge audiences without massive budgets and offers vast amounts of control over the content and how it is delivered to potential customers.

Name a random fact about yourself…

I represented the England sea fishing team from 14-17

